Thursday, June 11, 2015

Marwell & Schmidt's Taxonomy: Monica Lewinski

This speech, given by Monica Lewinski relates to the "Price of Shame." Cyber bulling and the consequences of online humiliation are very important issues in today's world.  Being aware of it could benefit most of us. It was a big step for Lewinski to go public and share her account to the world: how she got through humiliation, shame and struggles. How she was living in depression and how she overcame it. Taking into consideration her experience, we are able to gain understanding of the topic.

During the time her story took place, in 1998, there was no social media, and internet was not a significant source of social or celebrity information.  She was personally attacked through other media sources, such as Television and written news, and it was very painful. Today, in a world of technology and internet, the ease and opportunities for bullying have become more available than ever. This is why awareness of this issue so critical.

This topic relates to the first process premise - needs - as well as the second - emotions. One of the Packard's "Compelling Needs" is Emotional Security which is relevant in the case of humiliation. Lack of emotional security can lead to depression, which Lewinski referred to in her speech. Also, this topic involves Emotions, the second process premise. When a person is subjected to cyber bullying they experience a mix of emotions - fear, guilt, anger, and etc. It is a very uncomfortable and insecure experience.

In this speech, there exists the evidence of the use of Moral Appeal from Marwell & Schmitt's Taxonomy of influence tactics: 

This tactic entails finding moral common ground, and then using the moral commitments of a person to obtain compliance. "You believe that women should get equal pay for equal work, don't you? You don't believe that men are better than women, do you? Then you ought to sign this petition! It's the right thing to do." Monica Lewinski is hoping to raise awareness of public shaming and humiliation to prevent victims of it and its affects, including depression and suicide incidents. The statistics she shares is shocking. Her personal experience of cyber bulling helps us to realize how dangerous bullying and humiliation actually is, and motivate us to make a change.

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