Thursday, June 4, 2015

Reich's Cultural Parables: The surprising science of happiness by Dan Gilbert

Dr. Gilbert's speech correlates closely with Emotions - The Second Process Premise. In his studies he discovered that there is science hidden in happiness. He suggested that synthetic happiness exists and it is as powerful as natural happiness. This statement proves the idea that we won't be miserable if we don't get what we want. We are truly happy even when things don't go as planned because of our "psychological immune system". It comes to the point that happiness is a choice of each individual.

This speech has nothing to do with divorce but the concept Dr. Gilbert illustrates tells the story if you listen closely. His theory brought a thought to my mind that perhaps more people are (or become) unhappy in their marriages because they do not consider marriage a finality. They see divorce as an option. 

If, however, divorce was not an option, if marriage was final, with no way out... this presentation by Dr. Gilbert might suggest that more people would find a way to be happy in their marriage. Is that why marriages seem happier in places like India where divorce is still largely socially unacceptable? It makes sense that the increasing social acceptability of divorce keeps people continually "choosing" their spouse, keeping that "greener pasture" present in their minds, rather than accepting their decision as final and loving their spouses unconditionally. As divorce rates increase, the more the next generation sees divorce as an option. Divorce is perpetuating more divorce... an uncontrollable downward spiral.

This is speech is close to the fourth Reich's parable "the Rot at the Top". We can see similarity with the "Powerful Elites" and our personal egos (which have been sculpted and affected by the real powerful elites through marketing, etc.).  It's our egos that look for perfection in others (and in marriage), and our egos that tell us that there is something better, and that we can simply sacrifice the happiness of our children for our own comforts (by so easily choosing divorce).


  1. Never thought of marriage as a finality or divorce as an option very interesting. I liked your write up on Reich's parable( rot at the top). Great analysis of this speech.

  2. Now here's a can of worms. Interesting point to compare our egos to the "Powerful Elites". I do agree that our own egos can and do cause us to choose to look at the negative in others so that we ourselves can feel better about our attitudes and choices. Sometimes we pat ourselves on the back thinking that we've done so much better than others. Sometimes it's hard not to. Is that a "rot at the top" attitude? Interesting to think about. Thanks for getting my brain thinking....

  3. Very interesting analysis on this speech. He really makes you think. I liked how you related this to divorce. It's so true, he is right on the mark with human nature. I try really hard not to have buyers remorse after a purchase, sometimes I do well and sometimes I stew about it for weeks. We should all learn to choose to be more happy and let everything else go. Thanks for sharing!
