Thursday, June 11, 2015

Marwell & Schmidt's Taxonomy: Monica Lewinski

This speech, given by Monica Lewinski relates to the "Price of Shame." Cyber bulling and the consequences of online humiliation are very important issues in today's world.  Being aware of it could benefit most of us. It was a big step for Lewinski to go public and share her account to the world: how she got through humiliation, shame and struggles. How she was living in depression and how she overcame it. Taking into consideration her experience, we are able to gain understanding of the topic.

During the time her story took place, in 1998, there was no social media, and internet was not a significant source of social or celebrity information.  She was personally attacked through other media sources, such as Television and written news, and it was very painful. Today, in a world of technology and internet, the ease and opportunities for bullying have become more available than ever. This is why awareness of this issue so critical.

This topic relates to the first process premise - needs - as well as the second - emotions. One of the Packard's "Compelling Needs" is Emotional Security which is relevant in the case of humiliation. Lack of emotional security can lead to depression, which Lewinski referred to in her speech. Also, this topic involves Emotions, the second process premise. When a person is subjected to cyber bullying they experience a mix of emotions - fear, guilt, anger, and etc. It is a very uncomfortable and insecure experience.

In this speech, there exists the evidence of the use of Moral Appeal from Marwell & Schmitt's Taxonomy of influence tactics: 

This tactic entails finding moral common ground, and then using the moral commitments of a person to obtain compliance. "You believe that women should get equal pay for equal work, don't you? You don't believe that men are better than women, do you? Then you ought to sign this petition! It's the right thing to do." Monica Lewinski is hoping to raise awareness of public shaming and humiliation to prevent victims of it and its affects, including depression and suicide incidents. The statistics she shares is shocking. Her personal experience of cyber bulling helps us to realize how dangerous bullying and humiliation actually is, and motivate us to make a change.

Monday, June 8, 2015

Out-of-class speech

For my out-of class speech I chose the topic of "Building relationships in a business environment" for my company's sales team. This speech closely follows the requirement of being philosophically informational. 

The company I work for is a networking company where the slogan is "business is about relationships."  Corporate Alliance is teaching business owners how to take relationship building to the next level. Even while being surrounded with a great culture of how to do business, our sales teams occasionally forget the art of connecting and relationship building, and they use an outdated business technique of "kill or be killed."

In my presentation I gave an overview of the basic principals which my company teaches its members. At Corporate Alliance we have designed an attractive business environment where leaders can meet together to brainstorm and talk about their issues in a safe and intelligent environment. The CEOs and executives are matched up so that they experience similar concerns — to maximize their most important investment — their time. 

In my speech I focused on three key-points: becoming genuine; learning to be vulnerable with business challenges; assisting others with their own business needs.  These points create opportunities to help others grow their interpersonal relationships. After taking these steps, business relationships grow neutrally, especially when they are supported by what is called "relationships just because", which are successful relationships that are built without initial expectations and that provide future building opportunities. This principle is built on the premise that people naturally do business with individuals they like and trust. Many successful salespeople incorporate these principles into their business models.  Likewise, it is important for the sales team at Corporate Alliance to remember these valuable tools.

The feedback from my first presentation helped me to improve this out-of-class speech. After evaluating my audience (which was a mixed group of males and females, middle-age Caucasians) I focused on getting their attention with my first few sentences by asking our sales team if they would like to have the needed tools to accomplish their sales goals every month. 
The visual presentation I used for my speech was simple, focused, and chronologically built. Also, within my slideshow, the quotes which I used from my research were cited.
My physical gestures did not detract from my message, and I was conscious about keeping self-checking to a minimum.

The evaluation of my speech from the audience gave me feedback on how helpful and inspiring my topic was. They also made mention of the fact that I seemed a little nervous. However, I hope to overcome the common public speaking anxiety with more practice. Overall, I am satisfied with my audience feedback and my speech in general.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Reich's Cultural Parables: The surprising science of happiness by Dan Gilbert

Dr. Gilbert's speech correlates closely with Emotions - The Second Process Premise. In his studies he discovered that there is science hidden in happiness. He suggested that synthetic happiness exists and it is as powerful as natural happiness. This statement proves the idea that we won't be miserable if we don't get what we want. We are truly happy even when things don't go as planned because of our "psychological immune system". It comes to the point that happiness is a choice of each individual.

This speech has nothing to do with divorce but the concept Dr. Gilbert illustrates tells the story if you listen closely. His theory brought a thought to my mind that perhaps more people are (or become) unhappy in their marriages because they do not consider marriage a finality. They see divorce as an option. 

If, however, divorce was not an option, if marriage was final, with no way out... this presentation by Dr. Gilbert might suggest that more people would find a way to be happy in their marriage. Is that why marriages seem happier in places like India where divorce is still largely socially unacceptable? It makes sense that the increasing social acceptability of divorce keeps people continually "choosing" their spouse, keeping that "greener pasture" present in their minds, rather than accepting their decision as final and loving their spouses unconditionally. As divorce rates increase, the more the next generation sees divorce as an option. Divorce is perpetuating more divorce... an uncontrollable downward spiral.

This is speech is close to the fourth Reich's parable "the Rot at the Top". We can see similarity with the "Powerful Elites" and our personal egos (which have been sculpted and affected by the real powerful elites through marketing, etc.).  It's our egos that look for perfection in others (and in marriage), and our egos that tell us that there is something better, and that we can simply sacrifice the happiness of our children for our own comforts (by so easily choosing divorce).

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Larsen: Ken Robinson Speech

In this speech Sir Ken Robinson talks about how our education system stifles creativity. It gives a different perspective on the educational systems that currently exist. The point Mr. Robinson presents is focused on the fact that we have no idea what is going to happen in terms of future, and the type of education we need for the future is unpredictable.

Everyone has talents and every person is born an artist, and the challenge is not loosing our natural gifts. Our traditional education system is a limited spectrum of curriculum, such that students who naturally have a different style of learning often fail. Everyone is different and it is impossible for each person to study the same way and experience the same results. This is why creativity is important in education so that everyone has a chance to learn in a way that is most beneficial to their individual abilities.

The process premise in this speech relates closely to the needs in Maslow's Hierarchy. Sir Ken Robinson talks about self-actualization, and how important it is for every individual to find a way to reach their greatest potential through the talents that are naturally given to us. Self-actualization is the highest need according to Maslow, but it is also the most desirable. In a world of  traditional education with so many limitations, and a lack of acceptance for creative ways of studying, people who have different styles of learning struggle to fulfill this need.

According to Larsen's Cultural Myth, "The Possibility of Success" is related to people who work hard and who are honest and true to themselves and their individual paths. In Robinson's speech there was an example of a lucky accident which lead to a successful a diagnosis. This story is about Gillian Lynne who was brought to a specialist as a child because of her possible learning disorder. Today she might have been diagnosed with ADHD. However, in Gillian's case the doctors found a solution in suggesting that she attend a school of performing arts. This led to Gillian reaching her greatest potential and very successful career. Many traditional education systems are not designed to enhance the innate creativity that we all possess.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Fogg: The power of vulnerability by Brene Brown

In this speech Brene Brown brings up a very valuable aspect in every day life and relationship: vulnerability. Vulnerability is not easily produced, but Brene's studies in human connection helps us to learn the easier way to empathize, belong and love. She also shows us how to be aware of shame and fear which cause disconnection. All of this naturally leads to building trusted relationships.

In six years of her dedicated study of connection, she found the kind of people who are "wholehearted". Those people have courage to be imperfect, compassion to be kind to themselves first and to the others, they have connection as a result of authenticity. Another important thing they have in common was vulnerability. 

The wonderful part of this speech is that Brene tells the story of herself and her own struggle of becoming vulnerable. During her research she realized that there are two sides of vulnerability. That it is the core of shame and fear and the struggle for worthiness, but on the other hand, it's a birth place of joy, creativity and love. Brene discovered that we numb vulnerability through different addictions. And because of that we numb the joy and happiness at the same time. It turns into a dangerous cycle. The key to get out of cycle is to let ourselves be seen and love with our whole hearts.

We love celebrating the hero! We look up to successful people who demonstrate the glory of achievement and accomplishment. However, each of them were preceded by failure, criticism, and opposition. In a very real way, these helped make the achievements possible. Taking time to hang up the superman cape and be vulnerable, especially in the midst of things that hurt our ego, opens us up to real connection and deeper trust.

The speech of Brene Brown "The power of vulnerability" is a great example of the Fogg's Behavior Model

Motivation is very high:
Brene is very passionate about finding answers to help herself and others grow spiritually, mentally, and emotionally. She has numerous studies about  different aspects of human communication.
Ability - it is hard to do:
She initially dedicated one year for research, and it turned into six years. She had to drive into her own challenging self-awareness. Berne went through therapy sessions to find her own way to be vulnerable and become a "wholehearted" person.
Breme stumbled upon the recognition of how shame and vulnerability effects connection, belongings, and love.